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Scene Study 

Analyse and rehearse specific scenes from a range of texts chosen by you or suggested by us.

Screen Acting

Create powerful connections with audiences for Film & TV.

Voice & Movement

Discover the power of your unique voice whilst enriching your vocal technique to sound resonant and persuasive.


Develop your vocal, physical, and imaginative expression as you explore the inner and outer world of characters.


An intensive study of singing from the actor's perspective, as well as transformational 

vocal training  through technique and style.

Audition Technique

A safe rehearsal space for you to practice and prepare for auditions with direction and encouragment.

“Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances." 

Sanford Meisner

Contact us

I wanted to send you an email just to say a HUGE thank you for all that you have taught me in these last 2 weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of working with you and mark and I feel as though I have gotten so much out of it!  You have an excellent way of creating a space that is playful, safe and open to ANYTHING, which I absolutely loved. You pour your heart and soul into these sessions and for that I am forever grateful. Thank you for helping me to have fun and to believe in my voice again. I felt as though I was slipping down the rabbit hole of "you're not good enough" and then to have had you and Mark there to reignite my fire for performing has been a true blessing. I am beyond grateful, and from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Sienna Widd

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